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Music Playlist at
Wednesday, March 30, 2011,10:28 PM
0330 Yes it is today march 30! Up till today, many things have happened these few weeks. That i have learnt to cherish and treasure. I realised that i have many things i have not done too. Time is short. Instead of complaining and procrastinating all the time, i am going to make good use of my time to do what i have always wanted to do. Now, all you are going to see is a more progressive me. Well, may my decision be good or bad, i am going to give it a shot. Also, i am not going to be upset of things that turned out to be beyond my control anymore. Lastly, i cut my hair hahaha! Random but i think it is nice and looks neater. Sometimes there are things i cannot not accept. It turned out making me really unhappy and discontented. However, now that i learnt that life goes on, whether i like it or not. That somethings are against my will no matter how hard i try. Instead of going on with all the comparison, i should be happy with what i have now.

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